
מה שחיוך יכול לעשות

לָדַעַת חָכְמָה וּמוּסָר; לְהָבִין, אִמְרֵי בִינָה.
לָקַחַת, מוּסַר הַשְׂכֵּל; צֶדֶק וּמִשְׁפָּט, וּמֵשָׁרִים.


פרשת השבוע:

יום כיפור ✡️

יציאת שבת:

כניסת שבת:

פרשת השבוע:

יום כיפור ✡️

כניסת שבת:

יציאת שבת:

מה שחיוך יכול לעשות

הכי מרתק: 1

הכי מחזק: 1

הכי יצירתי: 0

הכי מרגש: 1

My eyes are green from wine and my teeth white from milk. (Matthew 9:12)
Sages learned from this: 'A great man who whitens his friend's teeth more than his friend drinks milk, as it is said, "and whiten teeth with milk" – do not say "and whiten teeth" but "and whiten teeth" (Kituvot Kiya:). A travel companion for Talmud Torah, told the following story: The beginning of my
journey As a companion in the transportation, it was difficult. The reception given to me by the children caused me many states of impatience. The children are jumpy and cheerful, especially since this is a new companion. And the children have an insufficiently developed sense of smell, in particular when a person emits weakness. As a result, my mood went downhill.
One day the shuttle driver told me an interesting story. There was an incident, and an argument developed between the shuttle attendant and the driver. The driver decided that the door should be opened by the attendant, and this is part of his job, while the attendant assigned the task to the driver. "L. The rabbi sat and thought, and after thinking, he said to them: Isn't a Jewish boy a 'Sefer Torah', and the car that drives him is included in its definition as an 'Ark Kodesh', and opening the door is as important as 'opening the Ark', and you give up such an important honor to one another?
This story almost made me jump out of my seat. That day I didn't stop thinking about the deep meaning of the things. The next day I was already a different kind of person. Instead of impatience, I was filled with the sublime feeling of a Jew who had been given a share by the enormous privilege of dealing with Torah scrolls. The first boy who got into the van (-to the Ark of the Covenant), I greeted with a huge smile from ear to ear: 'Good morning to you, my Torah book', within half a minute he completely melted and soon we were singing "I'm good, I'm good…" I greeted the second child with a huge 'Welcome' greeting, the third child was carried on my shoulders, and the fourth child whose face was sour to begin with, soon fell into a state of joy, the likes of which has not prevailed in this van for ages and ages. My mood lifted wonderfully, the stories of righteous people flowed from me like a rising spring, the children were glued to the chairs with their mouths open, and we were about to say goodbye to the van.
The next day my father was waiting for me at the door of the house and asked me if I was the chaperone yesterday. After I nodded, he started pouring out praise. My child really didn't like going to the room, just taking him down the stairs on the way to the room was a new nightmare for me every morning. And here today he woke up half an hour earlier, dressed himself, and is already waiting for the 'new Rabbi of the van' as he put it. I had to see the miracle with my own eyes, what were you doing there yesterday when he got such a desire to go to Hyder?
The aforementioned father was the first in line. After him came another father, and another mother, and the teacher of the whole class also had to see the miracle, and the principal after him… what a smile can do…
and wrote in the Tomer Deborah book (chapter 2 in the seventh level): 'His face will always shine and every person will receive a beautiful face, for in the highest honor it is said (Proverbs 16-15) "In the light of the face of the king of life". He who whitens his teeth is more to his friend than his drinker of milk


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